Frequent Questions
Where are you located?
The Thirsty Filly is based out of Ashtabula Ohio. We will travel for events surrounding Cleveland, Youngstown, Akron, and Canton. Contact us to see if you are in our travel area.
When should we book?
Always book your dream vendors first! We book roughly 16 months out. Be sure to check out our availability page for open dates. We have a non refundable deposit that saves your date and goes towards your final balance.
Is Alcohol Included?
Due to Ohio law we are not permitted to purchase or sell alcohol. However, we do include alcohol ordering, pickup, and delivery for each event. After your event we can also return beer and leftover wine for a refund.
Are you insured?
Yes, we are insured with general liability and liquor liability insurance for each event we attend . Don't worry we have you covered.
Generally we modify and adjust each package based on the details of your event. We make sure that you get the most out of our service for the best price possible.
Can we choose our cocktails?
Great question, all of our packages include a in person cocktail tasting . You will sample 10-12 cocktails as well as local craft beer. Our tastings are a HUGE hit!
can you also make standard bar drinks?
Absolutely, these drinks are quick and easy to make. We always make sure that your menu will cater to all of your guest preferences. Jack - Coke / Gin - Tonic / Vodka - Soda
What happens with the left over alcohol?
It is normal to have leftover alcohol at the end of the night. We will box everything up nicely for you to take home, or you can have us return beer and wine to our vendor.
Do you include supplies and soft drinks in your packages?
We include all supplies, soft drinks, mixers and much more in every booking.
That is a great question! The answer is YES. We love dressing our bars up and making them stand out. Each bar has set decor and arrangements that travel to each event. We promise our bars will always be a conversations piece at your next event.